Sunday, May 27, 2012

1001 Days of Fitness -- The Beginning

Today is the official launch of 1001 Days of Excellence.  I am starting with fitness.  My beginning stats are:

  • 312.8 Pounds
    • 51.25 inches -- Bust
    • 45.75 inches -- Natural Waist
    • 50.50 inches -- Waist (Navel Height)
    • 62.00 inches -- Hips

My highest weight ever was 365 pounds.  I have been slowly losing over the past five years.  However, now I want to ramp it up and be at least 100 pounds lighter by this time next year.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Starting Fitness Regimen

DivaSlimsDown has been a wonderful inspiration in giving me that extra push to take control of my weight. She's lost 150 pounds in less than one year.  Last week she recorded a video letting everyone know that Curves was running a special 30-day pass promotion; so, I went down to my local Curves and signed up for 30 days.  I had my orientation and first workout yesterday, and tomorrow I am going to my first Zumba class.  During the 30 days I am going to try to do the Walk Away the Pounds 3-mile walk on days when I don't go to Curves (30-day pass members are limited to three visits per week).  My ultimate goal is to make sure I am getting some type of exercise in everyday for at least 45 minutes per day.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

1001 Days of Excellence

I initially intended to start this blog as a play on Samma Lamma's Thousand Days of Fitness community on Facebook.  I am currently extremely overweight and was embarking on a fitness and clean eating regimen in an attempt to improve my health and save my life.  Then I thought, there are other areas where I would like to make improvements.  In addition to weight loss, I have an unfinished doctoral dissertation I need to put some serious focus on, my personal finances are a mess, and I would like to work toward becoming an "It Girl!"

To start, I am embarking on 1001 days of excellence.  My thousand days will run from May 27, 2012 through February 20, 2015.

This blog is where I will document my progress, trials, tribulations, and major successes as I work toward my goals.

Join me on my journey and feel free to comment.